How To Check Your Bank Account Balance

what is a checking account balance

Since everyone on the account has access to the funds, it’s important to set clear expectations from the start to avoid potential problems and overdrawing the account. Depending on the institution and state law, anyone on the account may be able to empty the joint account or even close the account altogether. You can do this either by logging onto your bank account to view your transaction record or by looking at your latest bank statement. If there are any errors or fraudulent transactions, you need to report them promptly to get full protection under federal law.

Statements provide detailed information on account activity, allowing you to identify potential issues and track your financial progress. As you check your bank balance, pay attention to the type of balance that you see. When you go online or use the bank’s app, most banks show an available balance (which tells you how much you can afford to spend or withdraw today) as well as a total account balance.

Note that you may be charged a fee for using an out-of-network ATM to types of liabilities check your balance or make other transactions at the ATM. Avoid out-of-network ATM fees by sticking to ATMs in your bank’s network, or see if your bank offers ATM fee refunds. Dormant or inactive accounts can result in account fees, lost interest, or even account closure. Monitoring account balances and maintaining activity in your accounts can help avoid these issues. Investment account balances are affected by market fluctuations, investment performance, deposits, withdrawals, fees, and other account activities.

Current balance

Banks and credit unions review your credit report and checking account report before approving a new account application. The bank might reject your application if you’ve racked up a history of writing bad checks. If you purchase something that costs more accounting explained with brief history and modern job requirements than your checking account’s contents, your bank might cover the difference through overdraft protection. Overdraft coverage is technically considered a type of loan with pros and cons.

If the bank made those funds available immediately and you spent them, then you might not have enough money in your account to return to the bank. If you’re unwilling to balance your checkbook, you should at least check your balance online or with the bank’s app. You may also be able to sign up for text alerts that let you know if your account falls below a threshold that you specify. To do this, check all the transactions on your statement against your entries to ensure everything matches, that you haven’t left anything out, and that there aren’t any math errors. If it doesn’t balance, start by looking for transactions that may not have gotten recorded, and then check your math.

And if they do pay interest, the rate tends to be low, even in a high-rate environment. In July 2024, the average savings account rate is roughly five times more than the average rate for an interest-bearing checking account. Many banks still offer telephone banking services, which allow you to check your account balance by phone. To use this service, call the phone number provided by your bank and follow the prompts from the automated voice system to access your account balance.

Most online banking sites offer a clear overview of your account balance and transaction history. Keeping up with your spending is important to help ensure you don’t overspend or overdraw your checking account. The best way to be aware of your account balance and spending habits is by balancing your checking account. It’s not difficult to manage when you keep up with the process regularly — and it can be made quicker and easier when you use a spreadsheet or a budgeting app.

Business accounts may be offered to small business owners and larger or global commercial entities. Authorized business officers, managers, and employees can use a business checking account to cover expenses. A business account can only be opened by a legitimate business, and you may need to provide documentation to the bank regarding your business. A joint checking account allows two or more people, often spouses, to write checks and make deposits. The ownership of a joint account may depend on the institution, state law, and how you set up the account. Ensure you understand what happens to the money in a joint account if an account holder dies or a divorce or separation occurs.

What is your current financial priority?

Checking accounts with higher interest might impose specific requirements to score the higher rate. For example, you must maintain a high balance or make many debit card transactions monthly. To check your account balance at an ATM, insert your debit or ATM card, enter your Personal Identification Number (PIN) and select “balance inquiry” or a similar option. Your account balance will be displayed on the screen, along with any recent transactions.

When you log into an online banking account, the first thing you will see is your account balance. Account Balance is the amount of funds you have available in a given financial account; such as a checking or savings account. The given balance reflects the net amount available after credits and debits.

Student Checking Accounts

what is a checking account balance

Keeping an eye on your money helps with avoiding overdraft fees, maintaining your budget and paying bills on time. Another benefit of monitoring your balance is you can spot fraudulent activity early. Any accounts that you can deposit or withdraw from will have an account balance available for you to check.

  1. Checking accounts do not build interest but they’re great for daily transactions and allow you to deposit cash, write checks, and pay bills.
  2. Yes, because your bank account balance shows you how much money you have available in your account.
  3. However, if you use a credit union that’s part of a shared branching network, there may be thousands of locations nationwide available to you.
  4. Note that you may be charged a fee for using an out-of-network ATM to check your balance or make other transactions at the ATM.

Instead of checking your bank account balances manually, you can have your bank push information out to you when something happens. Mobile phones, tablets, and other devices make it easy to check on accounts from just about anywhere. Most banks provide apps (or at least websites designed for mobile devices) that allow you to see your account balance online and on the go. Apps typically enable you to do even more than you can from a desktop computer.

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Just want a heads up when your account balance gets low or whenever there’s a significant withdrawal? You can typically customize the types of messages you get and what dollar amounts are relevant to you. With alerts in place, you can assume all is well until you hear from your bank.

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The interest rate, account fees, and any account restrictions may also impact the account balance. Regularly reviewing account balances also helps assess progress towards financial goals and enables better decision-making regarding spending, saving, and investing. For checking accounts, the important balance to track is your available balance.


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